The Whistle Stop
This bespoke touring library exhibition will travel round the region and showcases the Stockton and Darlington Railway's history using high-quality reproductions of important artifacts and documents found and brought together from archives across the UK.
This is one for the dedicated railway and train fans. A touring library exhibition will showcase the Stockton & Darlington Railway's history using high-quality reproductions of important artifacts and documents, brought together from archives across the UK. Visiting libraries and civic spaces, The Whistle Stop will be a fascinating insight into the birth and subsequent development of the modern railway into what we see today.
Visit the touring library exhibit this spring at the following venues:
Clayport Library, Durham City Centre: 24 February - 11 March
Bishop Auckland Town Hall: 14 March - 8 April
Stockton Library: 14 - 7 June
Thornaby Library: 14 April - 7 June
Highlights include engineering drawings and rarely seen maps as well as a few amusing Victorian cartoons depicting the adventurous and strange inventions of the age.
Delivered by Darlington Borough Council, Durham County Council & Stockton Borough Council
Major Funders: Arts Council England
With thanks to: NRM, The Common rooms, Friends of Stockton and Darlington, IMeCH, ICE, Durham Archives, National Archives & Tees Valley Archives.